
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Perigo. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Beatrice Harriett [0975] June 16, 1920 John Fisher, Junior Ottis Carl Perigo Sarah Stephens
Betty Jean [0982] December 2, 1928 Irvin Kenyon Ellis Ottis Carl Perigo Altha Taylor
Carl Wesley [0981] May 12, 1928 Virginia Duckworth Ottis Carl Perigo Altha Taylor
Curtis Kermit [0976] September 8, 1921 Ottis Carl Perigo Sarah Stephens
David Michael [1259] Carl Wesley Perigo Virginia Duckworth
Hazel Bernice [0977] March 14, 1924 Carl Hart, Junior Ottis Carl Perigo Sarah Stephens
Ottis Carl [I1662] about 1896 Altha Taylor, Sarah Stephens